Wednesday 24 June 2015

Journal 1

      The bookstore I went to visit was called Mabel's Fable's. The bookstore was located at Mount Pleasant Road. I felt that the bookstore was a nice welcoming and calm place. This was because the way they had designed and laid out the books in the store. To me I thought that this bookstore was great for children to visit with their parents because this was more a children's and young adults’ bookstore. I took my little sister with me when I went to the bookstore so she can have a wonderful experience as well. The bookstore me realize the wonderful books they are for children. One of the things that made me amazed was how they organized the children's books. They arranged the books from ages 0-6 years of age, so each age group had a lamp on it that had the number of the age on it. The bookstore had 2 levels; the lower level was for children 0-6 years and the upper level was for young adults. I thought that this was a great experience to explorer the bookstore; other bookstores don’t have the same experience as this one did. 

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