Creative Adaptations

Part one:
Sun dog’s (extension to the ending)

1)      Dad and Norm came to help Paddy out of the snow by shaking the snow off him. I noticed that they were helping Paddy get up slowly and they had put him in the tractor.
2)      I went and sat inside the cab after my mom had told me and saw that paddy was alright when I had seen my dad holding Paddy and he was safe.
3)      We all sat inside the tractor and were on the way to go home; mom had bought blankets for us inside the car. I had put some blankets on myself and paddy to keep us warm and cozy.
4)      It was a long and hard drive home because of the snow on the ground.
5)      Finally we had reached home after the long drive. As I got off the car I was still shivering because of the cold. Dad and I had taken Paddy slowly to the barn to check on his wounds and make him warm.
6)      When I went inside the barn I had fixed Paddy's place, I bought him inside and check the wound on his knees and head. Dad went inside the house and said to me" When you’re done come inside the house".
7)      I stood up and walked towards the shelf in the barn to get the first aid box. I came back to the Paddy with the first aid box. I had clean Paddy's wound on his knees as I was cleaning the wound on his knees I could hear the pain in Paddy's voice.
8)      I told Paddy "it's going to be alright I' am here with you”. I hold his feet to put some ointment than got some cloth to wrap his knee around with it.
9)      When I finished wrapping Paddy's knees and head I had put a warm blanket on him and then put my hand on him and was rubbing his back. I made paddy feel comfortable and relaxed.
10)   As I was rubbing his back Paddy had fell asleep; I had put my head on paddy back because my eyes were getting blurry and I was feeling sleepy.
11)  All of a sudden I had fallen asleep without noticing anything and i was in deep sleep.
12)   Dad had come to the barn to check on us to see what i was still doing in the barn. When he came he saw me sleeping on paddy.
13)  Dad had gently pick me up and took me to my room, he put me on my bed, put the blanket on me and said in my ear "I love you" with a kiss on my cheek.
14)  When I woke up in the morning i notice that i was sleeping in my bed I had looked around for Paddy. My heart started to beat fast wondering if Paddy was alright I quickly rushed downstaris outside to the barn to check if Paddy was alright.
15)  I noticed that Paddy was awake happy and alright.
16)   I  hugged paddy really hard and was glad to see him all better
17)  I got some food to feed him because he must have been really hungry. 
18)    I open the wounds to take a look and I see that gradually it was healing.
19)   Dad came in the barn to take a look at us and I told dad if i can take Paddy for a walk he said "It's better to stay in".
20)  I had listened to my dad and didn't go outside but stayed in the barn.
21)   I went inside the house to apologies to mom and dad of what happened.
22)  I had realized the problem I went through how I got stuck in the stormy weather and there was no one for help, how I had never listened to my parents of what they said about the sun dogs.
23)  As I was going to talk to them I was really nervous my hands were getting sweating and I was getting the butterflies in my stomach.
24)   I went inside the kitchen and told them how I was really sorry for what I did and never listened to them.
25)   Next- time I should listen to you because you guys are saying it for my own good and safety.
26)   Eric parents realized that his behavior was changing and he was listening more. Eric was now able to take care of Paddy really well and was more responsible.

Part two:
1)      I had added a scene to extend the ending of the story. I choose this scene because the ending of the story was really short it ended really fast. I wanted to know if Eric and Paddy's go home and what happens after that. I was really interested in knowing what would happen next so I had decided to make a scene to extend the ending and say it from my point of view. Another reason why I choose that scene is that I wanted the readers to know what will happen next and not be left thinking. The purpose that this scene serve is how Eric realizes his mistakes he had done and what his parents told him all the time.  How my addition changes the story's effect is that we get to know what happens to Eric and Paddy if they have reached home safely or not. It changes the effect of the story because the story becomes more in-depth and we get to know how Eric changes. How it changes our understanding is that we get to know more clearly what happens in the ending instead of ending really short without us knowing how Eric and paddy get home safely.

2)     The choices I made to make the characters stay in their original characters is that i tried not to change them around I had their own names mention in the story I wanted them to stay the same characters that they were before. For example, Eric I made him stay the narrator and his mom and dad the same characters.
I made Eric action and thoughts the same as the original piece by trying to do the same thing he did in the original story. In my part of the story I made Eric’s character as a hardworking, brave young boy the same as the original story where Eric also has the same characteristics.
I tried to put the words and the emotion of expression consistent to the original story so it doesn't sound different from the original piece of the story. The way i put the words to fit in Eric's style is that i used Eric as the narrator to talk from his point the way the original story did.

3) The way I had wrote the story that resembles the authors original writing style is that I wrote the story from the narrator points of view. The voice in the story was Eric who was telling the story and saying it in his words. I tried to write in the same style as the author.  What I did to make the story sound like the original piece was that i had put the setting the same, the characters are the same in the story.  

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