childhood memory

The most memorable experience I had involving a story when I was a child was when I was 5 years old; I was a newcomer to Canada and my mom had taken me to school for the first time. As soon as I had entered my kindergarten classroom I started to cry because I was so nervous. My teacher was reading a book to the the children on the carpet, I went and sat on the carpet and I had stopped crying after awhile. I had stopped crying because the book the teacher was reading seemed really interesting to me.  That was my first time I had listened to a story and heard someone reading it; even though I did not understand what the teacher was reading because English was not the first language I spoke at home. The way the teacher was reading the book was also great because she had used expression when she was reading the book. When I was looking at the pictures in the story I was interested in the illustration and I was thinking: what is the teacher saying? After the teacher was done reading the book I was feeling much better, there was books for the children to read by their self or to look at on the carpet. I chose a book and started to look at the pictures in the book, I still remember this moment today because it was the first time that someone had read a book and I was listening.

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